This is my bLoG!!! I get to SaY whatever I wAnT!!! My gripes, joys, and whatever comes to mind :) I love anything CrEaTiVe, ViSuAL, HeARtFELT, YuMmY, FuNnY, INSPIRING!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


here we go!!!!!
  1.  so so stinkin sick of my diet!!! I want to scream!!!!!
  2. I got knocked down last night by a terrible migraine (residual headache still creeping about), all I could think about was who could I buy a percocet from!!! LOL I didnt, I toughed it out.
  3. Thats what I get for not wearing my glasses in over a week!
  4. I hate wearing glasses. stupid astigmatism..
  5. This is a super whiny post, isnt it?
  6. Business has been sssaaaalllllooooowwwww (slow, exagerated)..
  7. if you want your hair did or your house sold, Im your girl!
  8. I have the shopping bug so bad... all I want to do is refurnish my house!!! and my wardrobe!
  9. I hate budgets
  10. this diet and headache are getting to me... sorry for the temper tantrum :0)


  1. Awww...headaches are no fun! I totally would have given you my percocet if I still had the nasty stuff, it does nothing good for me! I think I had a headache like ONCE in my life, and I'm like, "holy moly, people with migraines-how do they LIVE?" So although I can't empathize, I totally sympathize. I'm so so so sorry. Hope you get feeling better and soon.

    I'm also totally ready for a spring wardrobe! Thanks for playing!

  2. Oh man, I HATE migraines! I hope you are feeling completely better. I do need my hair done and my house sold, why can't we live in the same state??
    I'm with you on the diet and the budget, ugh.

  3. I need my hair did sooooooooooo bad! lol I was hoping to get it done before I get some pics done, but I don't think I will be able to....we're supposed to be doing them wednesday...unless you can squeeze me in before your normal work day?!? hee hee Anyway....everyone needs to be whiny sometimes....and your own personal blog is a great place to do it! ;)
