This is my bLoG!!! I get to SaY whatever I wAnT!!! My gripes, joys, and whatever comes to mind :) I love anything CrEaTiVe, ViSuAL, HeARtFELT, YuMmY, FuNnY, INSPIRING!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Would you agree that what we all seek is some form of clarity?
 To be able to see our path in life.. To understand the intentions of others..
To understand how our trials  will benifit our lives.. how to learn from them.
Some days I get the blues..
Time to get back on that horse and ride it out!
Look at all I have!

I have treasures beyond my wildest dreams....


  1. diamonds Lisa.....pure diamonds :)

  2. Love it!!! and i love that you consider Junie a treasure...even with that look on her face! lol It's amazing what kids can bring to your life. If it weren't for mine I would be a lost lady! Love ya tons!

  3. you have Oodles and Bunches of FaBuLousNess!! XO
