This is my bLoG!!! I get to SaY whatever I wAnT!!! My gripes, joys, and whatever comes to mind :) I love anything CrEaTiVe, ViSuAL, HeARtFELT, YuMmY, FuNnY, INSPIRING!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Hubby and I decided on some fitness goals we can do together....
at the beginning of the year we decided to make it a goal to run a half marathon this spring or summer.....
since running up the stairs of my little tri level split can make me pant a little..
THIS is a hefty goal....
Since all two of you (my readers) know that I had sugery on my toe last month, training isnt going the way I would want it to. ( insert sad face here)
The last two weeks, I have stepped up my fitness routine, mostly treadmill running
( I hate running in the cold air)
I am up to two miles without stopping... I know what your thinking,
"only ELEVEN POINT TWO more to go!"

 Now hubby and I have embarked on the P90X voyage!!
I am on day five and cant walk, lift my arms above my head, and please dont make me laugh
because something might burst
tonight is Arms, shoulders and Ab ripper... yes .. ab ripper
You must be thinking, gee Lis you must be losing some weight with all that activity?

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