This is my bLoG!!! I get to SaY whatever I wAnT!!! My gripes, joys, and whatever comes to mind :) I love anything CrEaTiVe, ViSuAL, HeARtFELT, YuMmY, FuNnY, INSPIRING!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

LoVe My BeAn!!!

sunday with my baby girl....

we had a visitor!!

love my Bean :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

pick me up... please :)

I know we all live our lives and go about our daily activities without thinkout how our actions might affect someone else... I know I am outspoken at times.. I hope Im not offensive
I love the people in my life and cannot think of one person in it that I could live without.
I hope each person in my life knows from the bottom of my heart how much they are loved and cherished by me.
Most days I can go about it being thankful and choosing to be positive and happy.
Sometimes that layer peels away,
and I am faced with the Lisa who wants everyone to love her,
and who gets terribly hurt when someone doesn't...
The good Lisa knows that you cant win em all.
The good Lisa knows that one or two people who don't love her, just don't know whats in her heart.
and it shouldn't take away from all the ones who do!
So why does the good Lisa let the selfish Lisa through?
Selfish Lisa is upset at the people who hurt her feelings even though those people have no idea.
Selfish Lisa cant see the positive things in her life,
she only wants to dwell on the hurt.
Poor Selfish Lisa.
She doesnt understand all that is good about her.
she is afraid of the love she has to give..that she might not feel loved in return,
when she should know that the point is just to love...

Monday, January 18, 2010


Hubby and I decided on some fitness goals we can do together....
at the beginning of the year we decided to make it a goal to run a half marathon this spring or summer.....
since running up the stairs of my little tri level split can make me pant a little..
THIS is a hefty goal....
Since all two of you (my readers) know that I had sugery on my toe last month, training isnt going the way I would want it to. ( insert sad face here)
The last two weeks, I have stepped up my fitness routine, mostly treadmill running
( I hate running in the cold air)
I am up to two miles without stopping... I know what your thinking,
"only ELEVEN POINT TWO more to go!"

 Now hubby and I have embarked on the P90X voyage!!
I am on day five and cant walk, lift my arms above my head, and please dont make me laugh
because something might burst
tonight is Arms, shoulders and Ab ripper... yes .. ab ripper
You must be thinking, gee Lis you must be losing some weight with all that activity?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

new year momentum

  Its January 6th and here is what I've accomplished
treadmill (twice..20 minutes each...dumb toe)
gallons of coffee
dessert 4 out of the six nights of 2010

I wonder if you can be hypnotized to be more motivated and energetic?

Here is what I have been doing..
Working on RE deals that may or may not fail,
surfing the internet finding entertaining articles and blogs

found this quote:

"When women become mothers, their nipples release milk to feed the child. I think when men become fathers, their nipples should release gold to support the family. Its only fair."

I discovered something yummy to do with my coffee.. when I brew it , I sprinkle a little cinnamon on the coffee grounds...mmmmm

I could easily turn into a hermit if I let myself...

Ok Off to be productive, social, energetic and fabulous!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Health Class

Lane : Brighton is obsessed with "Secret Life" now she's got me hooked!
Grey: That show is so gay!
Me: Maybe it should remind you how easy it is to become a daddy..
Corey: Maybe it should remind all of you how easy it is!
Lane: except for Brighton, she hasn't had Health yet...

wocka wocka wocka :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

what a year!

Many of you have heard me gripe and complain about what a tough year I've had.
Layoffs, losing a loved one, some personal trials as well.
2009 will go down in the history books as the year that kept throwing punches and I still got through it!
It wasnt all bad :)
I reconnected with many lost friends whom I love dearly through facebook...
though hubby gripes about the time I spend on there..(He has a valid point)
I count it as a blessing!
I have been able to shed some pounds
(although it keeps trying to find me)
I feel tremendous joy when I think of the beautiful people my children are becoming
....blessing X 1,000
I have a gorgeous man in my life who loves and cherishes me
(thats you hunna)
I have wonderful friends in my life!
blessings, all!
I have had small accomplishments in my career.

I have been thinking about my new years resolution for 2010...
There is countless things that I can choose, I think I will do one big resolution for the year and then a monthly objective or two..
what do you think?

Albert Eintstein once said
"A life lived for others is a life worth living"

there it is..
my resolution..
If there is one big thing missing in my life..
its charity.
giving my self to ease someone elses pain, trials, etc
I am going to look into volunteering this year... I can't donate large amounts of money but I can donate time.

I have personal goals for 2010
strenghten my family and cherish my hubby
be more reponsible with money
be a better daughter
cultivate my creativity
strengthen my work ethic
be kind
and of course
lose wieght!

Happy new year all!
Thank you for reading my blog!
I have enjoyed writing so much that I want to learn more!

there is beauty all around...
when theres love at home :)
I am blessed beyond measure!

New Year's Eve Song - Auld Lang Syne

New Year's Eve Song - Auld Lang Syne