This is my bLoG!!! I get to SaY whatever I wAnT!!! My gripes, joys, and whatever comes to mind :) I love anything CrEaTiVe, ViSuAL, HeARtFELT, YuMmY, FuNnY, INSPIRING!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

summer vacation!!!!

guess where we went!
figure it out yet?
no one else but us..
did you guess???

we took a family vacation!! 1st one in 3 years :)

stinky geysers....

beautiful colors

too bad he wasn't looking behind ...
while we were editing, we noticed a bear in the tree line!

the 4 most precious things..
also my view on all of our hikes..
I have the shortest legs
he loved these hikes
she was the comedian the entire week :)
my boys
more geysers :)
all that matters to me
he loves me

1 comment:

  1. tears streaming down my face. I LOVED looking at these pictures....

    And, now......I wanna go there!!!!!!!
    never been!
